A case of severe anemia
Six days back, a 21 year old female presented to our department with yellowish discoloration of sclera and high colored urine since one month. She has episodes of low grade fever in the past one month. She also complained of shortness of breath for 3 days and two episodes of vomitings. She complained of retro-sternal chest pain which did not radiate and it wasn't associated with palpitations, syncopal attacks, cough, swelling of lower limbs. Upon probing further into her illness, she told that she had the yellowish discoloration of sclera since childhood and it has aggravated in the last one month. It was known that she used to have occasional episodes of pain in both knee and ankle joints bilaterally since six months. She also noticed that her skin complexion has darkened over the last six months especially on the dorsal aspects of upper limbs. There's no H/o pain abdomen, loose stools, decreased urine output, burning micturition, itching. Past history: She used unk...